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100 Reasons To Be Cheerful

It’s the holiday season, the season for glad tidings and cheer! I bet many people think they don’t want to deal with the proverbial “comfort and joy.” So for all of the Grinches, the naysayers, the Scrooges, and the Negative Nancies, this post is for you. 

It’s also for the depressed, the depleted, the mildly annoyed, the pissed off, and those whose give a sh*t buckets are entirely empty. The optimist and the half-full people will love it too.  

Here it is, 100 Reasons to be cheerful.

  1. Hedgehogs

  2. Quokkas

  3. Your dog falling asleep on your chest at night

  4. Your teenage son laughing at one of your jokes

  5. Shiny kitchen sink

  6. Humming dishwasher

  7. Hot towels out of the dryer

  8. Library books

  9. ELECTRONIC library books

  10. Siri/ Alexa/ Google Assistant

  11. Chimes from a mantle clock

  12. Your mom’s hands

  13. The internet

  14. Crushing your fitness goals

  15. Serendipity

  16. Snowflakes

  17. A full moon on a clear night

  18. Old friends

  19. New friends

  20. Singing at the top of your lungs.

  21. Elf

  22. It’s Christmas Charlie Brown (and all of the other TV Specials from the ’60s and ’70s)

  23. Hearing your favorite Prince song on the radio

  24. Baby birdies

  25. Completing your Holiday Shopping

  26. Delicious smelling candles

  27. Crackling fire

  28. Deeply meditative yoga asana

  29. Your kid’s homework is all done

  30. Going to bed early

  31. Squishy pants/ squishy socks

  32. Your tribe

  33. Netflix/ Hulu/ YouTube TV

  34. African Violets

  35. Colleen’s laughing baby video on Facebook

  36. Brooklyn’s 6th Princess themed birthday party

  37. The Muppets

  38. Nostalgia

  39. Your dog’s smile

  40. Your partner’s smile

  41. Smiles in general

  42. Rumi/ Rilke/ ee cummings

  43. Poetry

  44. Your favorite yoga teacher

  45. Your small group

  46. Your church family

  47. Your book club

  48. Memory foam mattress topper

  49. Sheets so soft they feel like they are made from angel’s wings

  50. Angels

  51. Central heating!

  52. Good hair day

  53. Photo albums

  54. Smartphones

  55. My dad’s singing voice

  56. Julie’s singing voice

  57. Forgiveness 

  58. Snoopy

  59. Breath

  60. Work

  61. The first sip of your fav coffee drink

  62. Chocolate chip cookies out of the oven

  63. Onion rings with ranch dressing.

  64. Piggy Park Little Joe Sandwiches

  65. The way that cardinals always show up in pairs

  66. Christmas lights in the neighbors’ yards

  67. Water bottles that keep your water icy cold

  68. Music

  69. How your best friend just ‘gets’ you

  70. Period pieces both TV and film

  71. Electricity

  72. Squirrels

  73. Willy Wonka

  74. Silly string

  75. Peace of Mind

  76. Bananas

  77. A hard work out

  78. Dancing in the kitchen

  79. Technology

  80. The perfect hair products

  81. The perfect temperature of the bathwater

  82. Beef stew with crunchy bread

  83. Getting an A on your final exam

  84. Trying hard and seeing the results

  85. Spirit running through you

  86. Minions

  87. Other peoples’ toddlers

  88. Delicious naps in the middle of the day

  89. Dozens of super-soft yarn skeins

  90. Enjoying your partner’s silly sense of humor

  91. Vince Giraldi’s “It’s Christmas, Charlie Brown!” album

  92. Watching your goofy cat play with your delightful dog

  93. Fat snowflakes

  94. Pedicures

  95. Massages

  96. Holiday Traditions

  97. Star Wars movies

  98. Star Trek Next Generation with Sir Patrick Stewart

  99. The Beatles

  100. Love

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